Pulseaudio Setup

From Ghpsdr3 SDR project
Revision as of 16:48, 12 November 2011 by Dl6kbg (Talk | contribs)

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To run the softrock server use:


to choose the default pulse audio sources:

For TX Audio

Softrock:IQ = shared ID for use with libusb Analog Stereo

and for RX Audio:

Softrock:IQ = shared ID for use with libusb Analog Stereo

You also need to run pulse in network mode. Use:


to set up network access by checking the various option boxes.

Pulseaudio Setup independant on a X-Server installation

Make sure you add your username to the following system groups:

pulse, pulse-access, audio.
sudo nano -w /etc/group

Example for the user dl6kbg:

sudo nano /etc/default/pulseaudio

change settings to:

sudo nano /etc/pulse/system.pa

and add:

load-module module-native-protocol-tcp auth-anonymous=1

Restart pulseaudio:

sudo /etc/init.d/pulseaudio restart

or restart the system and fire up the softrock server.

In order to use 96000 or 192000, you will need to configure pulse audio by editing:


or better, copy the file to:


and then edit the file there, if you run your pulseadio system in user mode.