QtRadio Installation
Installation on Linux
Supported versions are: Ubuntu Lucid Ubuntu Natty etc.
Installation from PPA
Installation from Git
Installing Git
Cloning the repository
How to build the latest rxtx-event branch on Ubuntu 11.04
You will need the following dependencies installed.
libqt4-opengl-dev glutg3-dev libusb-0.1-4 libfftw3-dev portaudio19-dev libpulse-dev libsamplerate0-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev libconfig8-dev libtool qtmobility-dev git
For the rxtx-event branch of the software, you will also need a version of libevent that is newer than what is available from the Ubuntu distribution. Go to synaptic and completely remove the stock libevent (v1.4) from Ubuntu.
Then download from:
Uncompress and follow the instructions to build and install:
$ ./configure $ make $ sudo make install $ sudo ldconfig
Building the branch
Create a new directory and cd into it.
$ git clone git://github.com/alexlee188/ghpsdr3-alex
It will take a minute to download. cd into the new directory ghpsdr3-alex:
$ cd ghpsdr3-alex $ git checkout rxtx-event
You are now working with Alex's latest and greatest!
$ autoreconf -i $ ./configure $ make all $ sudo make install
(If you do not want to actually install the executable binaries you can just cd into the following and run them from there)
Terminal 1 $ cd ghpsdr3-alex/trunk/src/softrock $ ./softrock ...options ...
Terminal 2 $ cd ghpsdr3-alex/trunk/src/dspserver $ ./dspserver ..options...
Terminal 3 $ cd ghpsdr3-alex/trunk/src/QtRadio $ ./QtRadio
Installation on Windows
QtRadio, the client, is available on Windows for RX. A zip can be downloaded from: http://napan.com/ve9gj/qtradio.zip
Unzip to any folder and run the qtradio.exe file. It does not need an actual install, just the included dll files in the same folder.