What's New

From Ghpsdr3 SDR project
Revision as of 04:41, 4 April 2012 by Alexlee188 (Talk | contribs) (Mar 18 2012)

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Apr 4 2012

  • A new branch, opengl, has working QtRadio code that uses OpenGL shaders to compute and display the waterfall. The waterfall is actually a 3-D cube and you can pan/zoom with mouse drags on the waterfall display. Drag it all the way to one side and you can have a glimpse of the sides of the cube. The aim of this QtRadio is to offload work from the cpu to the gpu. If your system has a weak cpu (eg atom) and a powerful gpu (eg nvidia ION) it should reduce the cpu util significantly.

Mar 18 2012

  • Protocol-3 capable version (protocol-3 branch) of aHPSDR (Android Client). This version may not work with non-protocol-3 dspservers.

Download: http://code.google.com/p/sdr-widget/downloads/detail?name=aHPSDRp3.apk&can=2&q=

  • A new build for windows from the new protocol-3 branch is available at: http://napan.com/ve9gj/qtradio-protocol-3.zip (Built Mar 18 2012). This uses the new protocol-3 and should be able to connect with master and protocol-3 servers. Still experimental. It contains improvements to the spectrum and waterfall refresh rates for remote connections.

Mar 12 2012

  • New build of aHPSDR (rxtx-opencl branch). This version has updates by kb3omm and a fast color waterfall algorithm.

Download: http://code.google.com/p/sdr-widget/downloads/detail?name=aHPSDR.apk&can=2&q=

Feb 25 2012

Feb 19 2012

  • Graeme ZL2APV has coded CW receive in QtRadio to behave the same as Kenwood, Yaesu, K3 etc.

Feb 18 2012

Feb 17 2012

  • Bugfix to possible segfault in dspserver

Feb 16 2012

Feb 11 2012

  • The android client AHPSDR now has a Server list feature just like QtRadio. Look under the menu item Servers and select from among the active servers Download information on the AHPSDR page
  • The branch to use for most users is now the master branch. This is the one that most dspservers are running
  • Fixed SetTXAMCarrierLevel bug when tx ="all" in master branch
  • Two key Rx audio functions into their own QThread in QtRadio. This should help lower spec'd PCs
  • Fixed a bug where the band edge line in the spectrum display was off by the offset value of the dspserver.