What's New

From Ghpsdr3 SDR project
Revision as of 04:26, 3 July 2012 by Alexlee188 (Talk | contribs) (May 30 2012)

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July 3 2012

Experimental version of glSDR (version 5) that has Tx capabilities. Will only work in certain devices capable of 8khz microphone audio recording and fast CPU at the moment. Go to MENU > Tx to enable tx. Will only work with servers allowing anyone to Tx. http://code.google.com/p/sdr-widget/downloads/detail?name=glSDR.apk&can=2&q=

May 30 2012

The opengl ES 2.0 enabled version of the Android client has been uploaded to Google Play store and can be downloaded to compatible Android devices. The name of the App is glSDR.

May 28 2012

Tx audio encoding now has two available codecs: aLaw and Codec2. aLaw uses higher LAN bandwidth but the audio quality is much better than Codec2. aLaw is also suitable for digital mode Tx using the fldigi front-end connected to QtRadio. The Tx code is available in both the master and the opengl-qt5 branches.

May 19 2012

Qt5 has the bug fix for pull mode audio in Qt. The master branch and the opengl-qt5 branch can be built with the latest Qt5 (BETA) daily snapshot and the audio in pull mode works very well with Ubuntu 12.04 where most users had problems.

May 12 2012

Experimental support for RTL-SDR available.

Apr 11 2012

  • The branch audio-testing was created for linux users who were having trouble with Qt's lack of sound in QtRadio. It seemed to be more of a problem with newer 64 bit installs. audio-testing bypasses QT for audio playback and calls pulse audio libs directly. You may have to direct sound to your proper sound device with pavucontrol.

Apr 5 2012

  • Created an article on the Utilities & Add-ons page called: "Full featured recording script" unsing sox and rigctl (hamlib).

Apr 4 2012

  • A new branch, opengl, has working QtRadio code that uses OpenGL shaders to compute and display the waterfall. The waterfall is actually a 3-D cube and you can pan/zoom with mouse drags on the waterfall display. Drag it all the way to one side and you can have a glimpse of the sides of the cube. The aim of this QtRadio is to offload work from the cpu to the gpu. If your system has a weak cpu (eg atom) and a powerful gpu (eg nvidia ION) it should reduce the cpu util significantly.

Mar 18 2012

  • A new build for windows from the new protocol-3 branch is available at: http://napan.com/ve9gj/qtradio-protocol-3.zip (Built Mar 18 2012). This uses the new protocol-3 and should be able to connect with master and protocol-3 servers. Still experimental. It contains improvements to the spectrum and waterfall refresh rates for remote connections.

Feb 25 2012

Feb 19 2012

  • Graeme ZL2APV has coded CW receive in QtRadio to behave the same as Kenwood, Yaesu, K3 etc.

Feb 18 2012

Feb 17 2012

  • Bugfix to possible segfault in dspserver

Feb 16 2012

Feb 11 2012

  • The android client AHPSDR now has a Server list feature just like QtRadio. Look under the menu item Servers and select from among the active servers Download information on the AHPSDR page
  • The branch to use for most users is now the master branch. This is the one that most dspservers are running
  • Fixed SetTXAMCarrierLevel bug when tx ="all" in master branch
  • Two key Rx audio functions into their own QThread in QtRadio. This should help lower spec'd PCs
  • Fixed a bug where the band edge line in the spectrum display was off by the offset value of the dspserver.