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Revision as of 15:46, 5 April 2012 by Dl6kbg (Talk | contribs)

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So, now you have QtRadio running. Let's have some fun and do some useful things.

Squelch activated Recordings

Full featured recording script

sudo apt-get install sox
sudo apt-get install hamlib-utils
QRG="_$(exec rigctl -m2 -r f 2>&1)"
NAME=`date +%Y%m%d%H%M`
rec -r 8000 -c 1 $NAME$QRG.wav
echo "processing spectrogram..."
sox $NAME$QRG.wav -n spectrogram -x 1280 -y 720 -z 100 -t "$NAME$QRG.wav" -c '' -o $NAME$QRG.png
echo "...done !"
nano /usr/local/bin/qtradio_rec
mkdir QtRadio_Recordings
cd QtRadio_Recordings

Fire up QtRadio before starting the recording-script.


you should now see this output from sox:

dl6kbg@ubuntu:~$ qtradio_rec 

Input File     : 'default' (alsa)
Channels       : 1
Sample Rate    : 8000
Precision      : 16-bit
Sample Encoding: 16-bit Signed Integer PCM

In:0.00% 00:00:21.50 [00:00:00.00] Out:164k  [      |      ]        Clip:0

open pavucontrol and check if sox uses the right audio source. Select the following: Pavucontrol.png if you are done. Press CRTL-C to quit the script and stop the recording. The script processess now the spectrum image from the just recorded wave-file:

processing spectrogram...
...done !

when you now have a look into your recording directory, it should look like this:

-rw-rw-r-- 1 dl6kbg dl6kbg  207665 2012-04-05 20:41 201204052041_3756000.png
-rw-rw-r-- 1 dl6kbg dl6kbg   32812 2012-04-05 20:41 201204052041_3756000.wav

Sox spec.png

Frequency Scanning

Gnome Predict